Part 133: British

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*In the Afterlife* 

Luther: Wait a second,  This is the afterlife?

Anala: Yeah, I thought we established that already. Where did you think we go when we die? 

Klaus: Yeah, and I'm so glad to be herefor your first time  'cause it's kind of a weird feeling. It's like waking upfrom a really vivid dream. But don't worry. Because it's all gonnamake sense really soon.

Luther: Oh my God. Dad killed us all. 

Anala: Again, We've been over this. 

Klaus: Yeah He killed me loads of times! And I do mean a lot. 

Luther: He's an alien. 

Anala: Yup we covered that too.

Luther: Does that make you an Alien to? (He points to Anala)

Anala: Technically, I'm a lab creation, so I have no idea. 

Klaus: We're trying not to usethat kinda terminology here. 

Anala: What term? Alien. cause that's what he is. He definitely isn't human. Last time I check, Humans don't have a sharp weapon coming out of their hand at their will. 

Klaus: I know, it's whoa PC, but you could just say he's British. 

Anala: He's not that type of Alien. Also I don't even think he's british.

Luther: No, no! I mean, he's a real alien. He's like a... bug personfrom another planet. 

Anala: (laughs) I mean he always had the personality and likability as a cockroach. If only we could step on him like one, then this whole thing would have been avoided. 

 Luther: Oh God. Klaus... You gotta go backand warn Sloane and the others.

Klaus: Non posso.I mean, I'm done with the other side. 

Luther: Excuse me? 

Anala: Isn't that kind of your thing though. Going between sides. Isn't that the point of immortality?

Klaus: Yeah but what's the point in it anymore, I belong here.

Anala: What makes you say that?  

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