Part 21: Diego's Son

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*With the Umbrella Academy*

(In the Morning, Five and Y/n head down to get some breakfast and see Diego and Klaus at a table. Five grabs a mimosa)

Y/n: Isn't it to early for alcohol?

Five: Never, my Love.

(Y/n chuckles and grabs a water. They both start to head towards the table with Diego and Klaus and look over and see a kid sitting in the corner.)

Klaus: That little delinquent is your son? 

Diego: Allegedly my son. 

Klaus: (laughs) That's so funny! 

Y/n: Congrats Diego, Your a Father.

Five:  Wait, who's... who's the mother? 

Diego: Lila. 

Klaus: Excuse me? 

Y/n: You had a kid with the girl that tried to murder our whole family. Classy Diego

Five: Whoa, Lila's here? 

Diego: Was. She dropped him off in my laplast night then bolted.]

Klaus: I don't much care for that one.

Y/n: None of us do. Except for maybe Diego

Diego: Don't. 

Five: Technically, she's family. 

Klaus: She was trying to murder us,like, yesterday

Y/n: Yeah, like he said, "family." It's not normal, but it's

Five:  Diego, is she coming back? 

Diego: Well, she goddamn better be because we got more important thingsto be dealing with right now! (he shouts loud enough for his son to hear him)

Klaus: Calm down. Shh

Y/n: Deigo! (takes a deep breathe) What's him name?

Diego: Apparently, it's Stanley. 

(Vanya walk up to the table with a shorter hair cut)

Vanya: Where's Luther? 

Diego: Who cares? 

Y/n: WE do.

Diego: Why?

Y/n: Diego, he's our brother. 

Diego: He's probably out for... a run. 

Klaus: Mmm!  Love the haircut.

Vanya:  So I, uh, talked to Marcus last night. 

Diego:  Wait, what? You talked with the enemy? By yourself? 

Vanya: No I had Y/n with me.

Diego: You went too?! You could have been killed!

Y/n: I was fine, I went to talk with Anala and find some answers. 

Klaus: Did you find any?

Y/n: Yeah, I can control Air and Earth along with Fire and water.

Diego: Good for you, but why would you (points to vanya) meet with Marcus?

Vanya: Somebody had to do something. 

Diego: Who elected you, Vanya?

Vanya: It's, uh, Viktor.

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