Part 9: Dickhead

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Vanya: Oh. Thank God you're alive.

Y/n: Same to you

Allison:You okay?

Klaus: Apparently, so is Ben.

Allison: Yeah. And he's a complete dickhead.

Y/n: 100% dickhead

Diego: They're all dickheads.

Luther: Dickheads who can fight.

Five: Okay, next person to say "dickhead"is getting a punch to the throat.

Allison and Luther: Dickhead.

Klaus: Dickhead.

Diego: Dickhead.

(Five rolls his eyes and looks at Y/n)

Y/n: Did you expect any different? (Five sighs and turns back to the rest of his siblings)

Diego: Hey, did Dad tell you whyhe was calling them his kids?

Klaus: (laughs) He sure did! You ready? Dad was so repulsed by us back in Texas, that he adoptedan entirely different group of children just so that he didn't have to raise us.

Vanya: Then Why does he still have Y/n?

Klaus: Something about being impressed with her powers.

Y/n: But Anala doesn't even have the same powers as me? How is that even possible.

Diego: Who knows? That's just peak Dad.

Luther: Isn't it?

Vanya: So he just didn't want us anymore?

Allison: Did he ever?

Y/n: Probably not, He just wanted our powers.

Luther: See? I told you we shouldn't haveasked him for help in '63.

Y/n: Yeah if I recall you said that we should let the world end.

(Luther doesn't respond as everyone looks at him and he looks down)

Y/n: Yeah that's what I thought. I think you're all missingthe big picture here.

Five: If Dad didn't adopt us as kids,he changed the timeline. So who knows what else is different

Allison: Shouldn't you know?

Five: Sorry, Allison, but it might take me more than 20 minutesand a traumatic brain injury to figure this all out. Is that okay with you?

Allison: No, actually, it's not.

Y/n: Like you have any idea what's going on, We are all on the same boat here. Maybe you should learn to actually do something for yourself instead of having everyone else do it for you. Stop blaming Five, or anyone else because you can't handle not being in control.

Allison: You know, you used to be nice.

Y/n: I'm sorry that I'm done with your shit Allison.

Luther: Wait, Your having mood swings, Wasn't that one of the seven staged of paradox psychosis.

(Everyone looks at him confused)

Y/n: Yes, but that isn't what this is.

Vanya: Guys, look, it's fine. We still have the Commission's briefcase, so worst case,we can just go back in time and fix it.

Klaus: Great.

Five: Okay. There are two problemswith that statement. First off--

Klaus: Here we go.

Five: Time travel is complicated, people.

Diego: Yeah, we get it. Your job is so hard.

Y/n: Well I don't see you doing it.

Diego: (hesitantly because he know that Y/n is ready to snap) Just... what?

Five: And secondly... I no longer have the briefcase.

Allison: Five, where the hell is the briefcase?

Y/n: Seriously, What's the only other place we've been since we got here.... It's still at the academy.

Diego: Shit.

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