Part 110: He's got that right

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(Reginald continues his speech)

Reginald: I acknowledge that, as a father,I was not without my faults. 

Y/n: He's got that right.

Five: At least he admits it. 

Reginald: I hope these shortcomings will be seen as only a rough patchon an otherwise verdant lawn.

Five: Yeah, a rough patch that lasted our entire lives.

Reginald: I'm proud to call you my children. Even those whom I raisedin a revenant version of myself. 

Diego: He raised up?

Y/n: Not that I can remember.

Five: Me neither.

Reginald: I hope that tonightwe can create a few special memories in whatever precious little timewe have left.

Anala: He already gave us enough memories.

Ben: He didn't give up memories Anala, He gave us trauma. 

Anala: Memories with a little flavor  

Reginald: And now, in closing... (Y/n looks over to see Allison storming away from Viktor) The sun risesover a lily's field. A mother veiled, her lips concealed. The mourners come in droves of black to bury what their hearts unpack. With shallow breathand time eclipsed, I pray you miss death's gentle kiss.  (At the end of his speech he hold up his glass of champagne as if to give a toast) 

Anala: What the hell?

Ben: That makes no sense. 

Anala: Does he ever? 

Ben: No, no he does not. 

Klaus: (Klaus starts clapping very enthusiastically.) Beautiful! Bravo, Dad! Bravo! 

(Everyone follows suit and starts clapping as Reginald puts the microphone down and walks back to his table)  

Five: I didn't think the old man had it in him.

Y/n: For a second there he almost sounded sincere. You'd almost believe he'd care 

Diego: Never. 

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