103: Fighting this

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*With Y/n*

(Y/n and Five went back to their room. Y/n sits on the couch and Five starts pacing)

Y/n: What's wrong?

Five: Do you think we did the wrong thing?

Y/n: Standing up to dad?

Five: No, he deserved that plus that was super hot

Y/n: Oh was it now?

Five: Yes, but I mean about not trying to stop the end of the world.

Y/n: Five, we have spent the last 45+ years running from the end of the world. There is not much left we can do. I'd rather spend the time we have left with our family than fighting something that is inevitable. 

Five: You're right. I should take my own advice. "Don't save the world" (he sighs) I'm going to go take a shower.

Y/n: Okay... I love you.

Five: Love you too, Darling.

(Five gets up to take a shower and Y/n goes for a walk around the Hotel. As she walks she stumbles across a door that is wide open. Peeping inside she sees Diego sitting on the couch, dazed out.)

Y/n: You okay?

Diego: (looks up) Yeah... Yeah, I'm okay.

Y/n: What's on your mind little brother? (She sits right next to him)

Diego: This Wedding is stupid

Y/n: Come on Diego.

Diego: I'm serious Y/n, We should be fighting this. 

Y/n: Diego, We tried that already. 

Diego: So we try again. (He looks at her) Y/n I need to tell you something. 

Y/n: What is it?

Diego: You're the first one in the family to know this but... Lila's pregnant. I'm going to be a dad. 

Y/n: Wow. Okay. Diego, Congrats. (she hugs him) You would have been a great dad. 

Diego: That's the thing, I want to be a dad. That's why I can't let the world end.

(Before they could say anything else Lila comes in and knocks on the doorway)

Lila: Hey Y/n. Can I talk to Diego alone for a minute?

Y/n: Yeah of course. If either of you need anything, I'll be in mine and Five's room. (She gets up and goes back to her and Five's hotel room and sits on the bed closing her eyes, waiting for Five to be done showering.) 

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