Part 123: Decision

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(Just like everyone said, they all met up again 1 hour later in the lobby of the hotel. Ben and Klaus stood next to dad on one side while Viktor, Luther, and Sloane sat on the stairs opposite to them, with Lila and Diego standing on the steps with Allison standing in between while Y/n and Five leaned against a wall in the middle, still with no sign of Anala)

Allison: I think you can all guesswhich way I'll be voting. We've all been through a lot. We've all lost people. But their deaths have to mean something. Which is whyI'll be voting to go with Dad. 

(Lila walks down the stairs and pauses in front of Diego)

Lila: What she said. 

(Lila goes over to stand next to Allison)

Lila: Let's go save the bloody universe! 

Klaus: Woo-hoo! 

Diego: All right, well, since she said yes, (He walks up the steps) I vote stay. 

(Lila scoffs)

Diego: How's that for nice? 

Lila: You're not being serious. 

Allison: It's his vote, Lila. (she gives a dirty look to Diego making Y/n even more suspicious of her) Klaus? 

Klaus: I am with Father. 

(They look at Ben standing next to Reginald and he nods)

Allison: Okay, that's four to one. Viktor? 

Viktor: Look, I wanna believe, okay? I really do. I just can't shake the feeling we don't knowwhat we're getting ourselves into. 

Allison: No, but we knowwhat we've got if we don't. We have to go into this together. Viktor. A family. 

Viktor: You can't just keepthrowing the word "family" around. It isn't enough.  I vote stay. 

Allison: Luther?

Luther: Um... Sloane and I talked, and, well, we're out. Look, we wanna spendwhatever time we have left together, and not fighting some guy with a swordand ringing bells and stuff.  So... 

Viktor: Well, dead even. Four in, four out. 

Reginald That leaves you both,Y/n and Number Five. 

Five: I saw the future,and it told me to sit this one out. I vote stay. It's time we accept our fate.

(Everyone looks to Y/n)

Y/n: Everyone knows my stance on this one. I'm done chasing the apocalypse. Let the world end. I'm done caring. I vote stay. 

(Everyone goes silent) 

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