Part 137: Brother Fight

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 *In the Afterlife*

(Anala leaned against the lone wall that was standing as she watched the boys chasing each other around the set of chairs) 

Klaus: Come on, man. Listen to me. (Klaus jumps over the chair as Luther gets closer) I'm not going back down thereto get slapped around. And there's nothingyou can do to change that! 

Luther: (tries to copy Klaus's action but stumbles over the chairs) You are so incredibly selfish!Do you know that?

Klaus: Just relax! Don't worry. (he turns to Anala) A little help here!

(Anala stuck out a hand, Freezing Luther in his place to make him stop chasing Klaus)

Klaus: Thank you.

(Anala nods and looks at Luther)

Anala: You done yet? 

(He gives a soft grunt in defeat then nods so she unfreezes him)

Klaus: Relax okay, You have all the time in the worldto get over it! 

(Luther quickly flung into a rage again as he grabbed Klaus, picking him up effortlessly.)

Luther:  All right, that's it.

(Luther throws Klaus at one of the mountains causing Klaus to laugh and wave that them before disappearing through the mountain)

Luther: Hah! (He looks at the mountain and realized that Klaus was no longer there) Shit. 

(His eyes widen as he stares at the mountain causing Anala to laugh)

Anala: Well that didn't work out that well. Did it? 

(Anala continues to laugh as Luther giver he a death stare before continuing to look around, trying to figure out how he did that.)

Luther: How in the hell?

Anala: This isn't the normal world anymore. We are in the afterlife, anything is possible. 

(Luther grunted again and ran as fast as he could into the mountain soon disappearing into it as Klaus had.)

Anala: Why not? I've got nothing better to do anyway.

(Anala walked through the mountain disappearing into it just as Klaus and Luther had) 

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