Part 131: Angry

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Luther: Well how do we stop this?

Anala: We can't.

Luther: Were even are we?

Klaus: The afterlife man. Welcome to my hood. 

Anala: Wait you've been here before? 

Klaus: Yup, many times. 

Anala: How the hell is that possible?

Klaus: Oh, I'm immortal.

Luther: What? I thought you were joking.

Anala: I'm done questioning your family. 

*Back with the living*

(they all get into the elevator, heading down to the lobby. Once the doors open thy walk down to find an almost identical lobby as the original hotel but it looked cleaner and brighter)

Reginald: It's magnificent.

Ben: You guys should've stayed here.This place is way nicer. 

Diego: Lila and I barely got out alive last time.Remember? 

Ben: But I'm here this time,and the numbers are in our favor. 

Lila: Well, whatever it was,it was strong, fast, and super pissed. (she laughs) Kind of like Y/n. (she turns around and points at her)

(Y/n gives her a sarcastic smirk before rolling her eyes)

 Diego: (walks up to the counter and point to a bell) Alright, so, whatever you do,do not ring this bell. Unless you wannalose a finger... or a tentacle. 

(Ben roles his eyes and Y/n snicker) 

Sloane: I'll take my chances-

Lila: Don't! 

(she blocks Sloane)

Sloane: Get out of my way. 

Y/n: Maybe that's not the best idea

Sloane: Why?

Lila:  To take out this thing,we need to be in the right state of mind. 

Sloane: State of mind?Do you mean, am I angry? Yes, I am angry.  I wanna killwhatever it is that hurt Luther. 

Viktor: Luther isn'tthe only one that's gone. We lost Klaus too.  I'm angry, okay? We all are. We have to be smart about this. 

Sloane: Anger is the best fuel for a fight. Anala taught me that and I know she was right. 

Y/n: She was. Anger is the best fuel. But there is a difference between letting anger fuel you and let anger run you. You are letting our emotions control you and that will lead to your downfall if you're not careful.

Lila: Y/n's right.  When the time is right, we'll act. 

(Five walks away, noticing the 8 stars in the middle of the floor: 7 medium stars surrounding 1 big one. He continues to walk looking at the doors)

Diego: Don't even try it, Five.Doors won't let you out. 

Allison: So, what, we're stuck here? 

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