Part 136: Lost Sympathy

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(They look back at each other and Viktor looks down in disbelief)

Viktor: No, she... she was with Sloanein the tunnel. 

Five:  We're not talking about Klaus. 

Viktor:  Luther? What? No, she isn't capable of that.

Y/n: I think she is capable of more than we think. She has killed before. All of us have. Our first mission was what (she turns to Five) When we were 8. We killed a lot on that mission and we've been doing it since. She's killed before. What makes you think she won't do it again. 

Viktor: She would never do this, especially to Luther, to her family.

Y/n: I'm not sure that matters much to her anymore.  

Five: She's been unravelingsince we got to this timeline. 

Viktor: Yeah, she lost her daughter. 

Five: And she killed Harlan. 

Y/n: Without a second thought. Or remorse

(Viktor's eyes flashed over with pain as he looked down. Y/n wanted to feel sympathy for him but she just couldn't. In fact, anger started to boil up inside her yet again as she remembered how Viktor had lied to them all and snuck around behind their backs. She sympathized with Allison still but if it was true that she had made a deal with that, and that reality was getting more and more likely, and helped with killing Luther, than Y/n had lost all sympathy. She understood grieving. Hell she had done it many times but to cause more pain with another death especially to your family. That is something that Y/n considered a betrayal, and a big one at that. And she was never good at forgiveness since in her eyes, anyone that hurt her family didn't deserve it. Even if they once were family)

Viktor: Even if you're right, I can't imagine they're just gonnacome clean if we confront them. 

Five: We agree.

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