Part 38: Caught

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(Lila walks out of the bathroom while still wrapped in a towel, holding her clothes while Five grabs the briefcases about to follow her when he hears Diego talking) 

Diego: Lila? 

Lila: Hmm? 

Diego: You need to take this kid with you. 

(Five walks out behind her)

Diego: The hell were you doing in there? 

Lila: Bathing. 

Diego: Together? 

Stanley: Oh, okay. 

Five: Diego I'm married, to a women I love very much, why would I give a shit about that one in that kind of way? (He says as he points to Lila)

Y/n: He's got you there Diego

(Y/n says as she steps outside of bathroom and grabs one of the briefcases from Five) 

Stanley: Cool, Were you guys having a threesome?

(Diego smacks him in the back of the head as Lila, Five, and Y/n give him a disgusted look)

Y/n: You are one dirty minded kid.  You have some screws lose or something. But, moving on, we don't have time for this. 

Five: Y/n, Lila and I have got important shit to do. 

Diego: Wait. What's more important than family? 

Lila: (smacks Stanley's arm)Hey, love. 

Five: End of the world, genius. 

Y/n: third times the charm... maybe... We'll see.

Diego: Lila? What's more important than us? 

Lila: There is no us, Diego.

(Five and Lila get into a elevator and Y/n puts her hand on Diego's shoulder because she could tell he was upset )

Y/n: Don't let her get to you Dee. 

(Diego smiles at her)

Diego: Love you, sis.

Y/n: I love you too brother.

Five: Y/n, You coming? (Five shouts from the elevator) 

Y/n: Yeah I'll be right there. 

(Y/n puts a hand on Diego's shoulder before giving him a last smile which he gratefully returned before She left to meat Five at the elevator as Diego turned around and went back to Stanley.) 

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