Part 12: Check in

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Klaus: (Klaus rings the bell and gasps as an elderly man walks up)Chet! Mon frère!  It's so great to see you.I'd like my usual suite, por favor.

Chet:(stops the bell from ringing anymore) -I've never seen you before. 

Klaus:  -See? Told you. Discreet. 

Y/n: Or he actually has no idea who you are. (Y/n mutters but them starts to think. If they were never apart of the umbrella academy, than everything could be different. People might not even know who they are.) 

Chet: Please stop scaring my dog. (He says as Luther and Diego pet his dog)

Vanya: We need some rooms, please. 

Chet:  Super. (he puts up a sign that says Cash up front) And how will we be paying today? 

Luther: Ah. 

Diego: Oh.

Luther: Fine. Empty your pockets. Come on. Something. 

(Vanya pulls out some mints, Diego pulls out a knife, Klaus pulls out condoms and Lutehr pulls out a lighter)

Luther: Condom? Put the knife away! 

Diego: Coming from a guy that has a lighter in his pocket.

Luther: It can be useful.

Diego: Oh yeah, When? (Luther shrugs) You know your sister is a human lighter right? (Y/n gives him a weird look)

Klaus: Can't exchange those for cash. 

Luther: Why do I have a hairnet? 

Y/n: I stopped questioning what you did a long time ago, bud. 

Luther: Oh. [sighs] All right. (Luther takes off his watch and hands it to Chet) 

Klaus: Ooh. 

Luther: What does this get us? 

Chet: (looks at the watch) Three rooms.  Mazel tov.

(Y/n squints her eyes at the man. She definitely wasn't appreciating him mocking her family)  

Klaus: Awesome. 

Allison: All right.  Well, let's Brady Bunch this bitch. (allison, Klaus and Y/n grab one of the keys each) I'll room with Vanya

Klaus: Wonderful, It can be boys, Girls and, the newly weds. (Klaus puts his hand over his heart) I mean after 45 years of dating, I think you guys deserve a... personal night (he winks) if you know what I am saying (he continues to wink)

Y/n: Yes Klaus we get it. 

Five: Uh, meet back in the barin two hours so we can make a plan.

Diego:  I have a plan. (he runs up the stairs) We attack the Sparrows,and we take back our house,  and then we punch Dad a bituntil he admits that we're better and he loves us more. Boom! Done! 

Diego: We don't need validation from an old man growing senile.

(Everyone starts to walk past Diego to the elevators) ( Y/n puts her hand on his shoulder) 

Diego:We're wasting time! 

Klaus: Relax. Don't sweat it, man. Those shit birdsare staying put for a while.  I bet they're as wiped as we are. 

Diego: Really? 

Klaus: Yeah. I mean, kicking our asseslooked exhausting.

(Klaus walks off and Y/n puts her hand on Diego's shoulder)

Y/n: Aren't you tired of the fighting?

Diego: No, It's who I am

Y/n: Is it? Or is it what dad told you you should be? 

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