Part 27: Birth mother

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Five: (Pulls out a map and starts to unfold it) Oh! Uh... All right! (Y/n looks over his shoulder to see he circled a bunch of tourist attraction on their route. She smiled seeing Five so excited about this and kissed his forehead causing him to smile at her)  So, I've circled allthe roadside attractions along the way.

Klaus: I'm not sure we're gonna have time... 

Y/n: Klaus the apocalypse is over, We have all the time left in the world.

Five: (smiles and looks at the map) We have the Brownsville Big Nickel.  Oh, Ricky's Bakery has award-winning pies.

Y/n: Do they have apple?

Five: Of course they do, Love.

Y/n: Yay.

Klaus: If you just let me explain... 

Five: Or there's this Cow Henge. 

Klaus: That's it-- Don't--Listen to me.Just shut up for two seconds, okay?  Just two seconds? All right? 

(Y/n notices that Klaus has a suspicious look on his face)

Five: Okay, I'm all ears.

Y/n: Klaus, What are you not telling us?

Klaus:  We are going to Pennsylvania to find my birth mother. Yay! 

Y/n: What?

Five: Excuse me?

Klaus: I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I just needed somebodyto come with me for emotional support. 

Five: Oh, emotional support, like a Schnauzer? 

Y/n: Why didn't you just tell us from the start.  

Klaus: I knew you wouldn't come if I told you,so what was I supposed to do? 

Y/n: Yes we would have. 

Five:  You're goddamn rightI wouldn't have come, Klaus. You know why?Because I am supposed to be retired! 

Y/n: Okay I would have 

Klaus: I know you would Y/n. I had no doubt about you, It was Five I was worried about.  \

Five: No Shit Klaus!

Y/n: Five Calm down.

Five:  This was supposed to bea carefree road trip. 

Klaus: Well, it still can be, babe.

Y/n: He's right Five, just calm down a second. 

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