Part 59: Revenge

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*Back with the Sparrow academy* 

(Anala is sitting on the couch reading when she hears Ben and Fei arguing in the hall so she gets up to see what's happening) 

Fei: They handed over the bodies,we got what we wanted.  Why do we need this old guy?

Ben: "Bodies"? You meanJayme and Alphonso, our siblings. Or have you already forgotten about them? 

Fei: No, you know what I meant. (Fei sees Anala) Anala, back me up here.

Anala: I can't, For once, I agree with ben. We need to punish their killer. We need revenge

Ben: Now there's the Anala I know. 

Fei: Revenge can wait. 

Ben: Until when? 

Fei: Until we deal with that thingin the basement. 

Anla: I have to agree with her on that one.

Ben: Great, just when I was getting you back to normal. 

Anala: Ben, the thing in our basement could cause the end of the world. It's getting stronger every day. 

Fei: People from all over the worldare disappearing now. 

Anala: As much as it pains me to say it, We need to work togetherwith the Umbrellas. 

Ben: The man who killed our siblingsis an outsider. 

Anala: (she understands what ben is getting at) Neither Sparrow nor Umbrella. 

Fei: What are you two saying? 

Ben: He needs to be dealt withbefore we can merge the families. 

Fei: And if they refuse? How do we save the world?

Anala: We survived 29 years without them, we can figure this out. 

(Fei leaves the room)

Ben: What are we gonna do if they don't bring him in?

Anala: We find him ourselves. I know I haven't been as aggressive as I normally am lately, but this is different. This is family. 

Ben: You'll always fight for family.

Anala: Yeah, Yeah I will, and that will never change.

Ben: Good, That's the Anala we need. 

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