Part 49: Juicy

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(Anala starts to walk to their Father's office followed soon by Ben and chris then Fei after she got her glasses that had fallen off when Ben slapped her.)

 Reginald: What have I missed? Sounds juicy. 

Ben: (sits down on the couch) Dad, we lost Jayme, Alphonso, and Sloane. 

Reginald: Oh! Well, then we should be outlooking for them. Fetch my jacket.2

Anala: No, Dad. 

Fei: He means they're dead. 

Reginald: Such a shame. What happened?

Ben: Those assholes from the Umbrella Academy.You were actually right about them. 

Fei: After Marcus disappeared,Ben led us on a mission to take them down. 

Ben: And it would have worked,but they had some kind of secret weapon.

Anala: This old guy with powers on their side

Ben: which is totally cheating. We didn't have a chance.

Reginald: So what do you intend to do about it? 

(Ben looks at fei who just smirks and then to Anala)

Anala: You wanted to be a leader, This is what leaders do.

(Ben looks dumb founded so Fei takes over)

Fei: We need to be readyif they come to finish us off,  and they willunless we come up with a plan. (looks at Ben) So, what is your next genius idea, idea guy? 

(Ben looks down as he has nothing and Fei scoffs and leaves)

[Christopher speaks] 

Ben: Fine. Go with her. See if I care. 

 [Christopher speaks]

(Chris floats out of the room)

Ben: Want a war now Anala? 

Anala: I never wanted a war. The 2 people in that family that actually have any sense weren't there and it didn't even look like they recognized the guy. 

Ben: They cheated.

Anala: They didn't cheat Ben, this isn't a game, this is a war now. One that you wanted. War's don't have rules, but wars do have a price. One that Jayme, Alphonso, and Marcus payed. How many more of us need to die before you put your ego aside and become a real leader, because if you won't, than I will.  

(Anala walks back to her room leaving ben behind)

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