Part 100: Invitations

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(Allison sat down as Sloane went to grab a basket she had hid behind the couch and started to hand out jars that were connected to a wedding invitation for her and Luther's wedding.) 

Lila: Wow! And you did all of this yourself? 

Sloane: Luther helped too. We stayed up all night.

Lila: Amazing. 

(Suddently Reginald runs up the stairs followed close behind by Klaus)

Ben: Dad? 

Anala: (whispers) Damn it. I was kinda hoping he died. 

(Anala spoke just loud enough for Allison to hear her causing Allison to snicker) 

Allison: Klaus. 

Y/n: You're alive (She sighed in relief)

Klaus: Hey. 

Viktor: Oh, thank God. 

Reginald: Gather 'round, children. Quickly now! 

Diego: The hell have you been? 

Klaus: Oh, Reg and I. We got tangled up in a whole father-sonend-of-the-world road trip kinda thing. You know? 

Ben: You two are hanging now? 

Y/n: Klaus, Have you forgotten EVERYTHING he's done to us.

Klaus: Yeah, we laughed,we cried, we played in traffic, and long story short, I'm immortal now. (He starts to make weird grunts and flex his practically non existent muscles.) 

Y/n:  What? (She leans in confused)

Luther: Whoa, wait. You're what now?

Allison: Klaus, have you gotteninto the bath salts again? 

Y/n: Probably. (She leans back against Five again)

Reginald: I think the more pertinent question is,why are you all playing with jars? 

Sloane: They're invitations. 

Luther: Nobody's playing. 

Sloane: (hands Reginald a jar) Luther and I are getting married. 

Reginald: All of space and time is collapsing,and you lot are planning a wedding? 

Y/n: I mean, Why not? Seems like the perfect time.

Luther: Yeah, and, uh, the thing is, um, space is limited. So it's kind of a per-plate situation,so, you know. (Luther takes the jar back from Reginald)

Reginald: Is this how I raised you?To fiddle while Rome burns? 

Anala: You barely raised up at all.

Klaus:  Remember what we talked about, Reg. Remember to breathe. 

Reginald: Quiet, I'm on a roll. 

Sloane: Dad, have you been taking your pills? 

Reginald: As a matter of fact, I haven't. 

Ben, Anala, Sloane: (under their breaths) Shit. 

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