Part 85: This isn't us

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Allison: Harlan is just another victim of your actions.

 Five: Take it easy, Allison. 

(Ben puts a hand in front of him with his other hand grabbing a cheese ball from the bowl while shushing Five)

Viktor: Okay, I-

Allison: Shut your mouth!

(As Allison screams her voice seems to echo as her eyes glow yellow as her power seems to be activated) 

Luther: Allison. 

(Viktor's eyes turn white as he starts choking and grabbing at his neck as Allison's eyes return to normal color.  Everyone leans in with wide eyes wondering how Allison did that)

Anala: (leans into Y/n's ear) How did she do that?

Y/n: I...I have no idea

Anala: I thought she could only mind control when saying "I heard a rumor" 

Y/n: Apparently not anymore, but how?

Allison: Every time I build a new life for myself, you end the world (she leans closer to viktor  and screams) and take it from me! 

Five: How are you doing this without saying, "I heard a rumor"? 

Allison: Just a little residual gift from Harlan. 

Luther: All right, that's it. Knock off the power shit, Allison. It's not okay! 

Y/n: Allison, I know you're angry but killing Viktor is not going to help. 

(Viktor continues to choke and bends over and Allison leans down with him)

Allison: We should have left you in the basement.  

Digeo: (stands up shouting) Whoa! Allison, all right!

(Viktor slaps Allison as  a way to get her to release her hold on him and Allison looks back at him with a bloody nose. Viktor runs out and Y/n give a tissue to Allison and everyone sits in shock for a minute)

Y/n: You alright?

Allison: I'm Fine.

Anala: (whispers to Y/n) Oh shit, this is getting good.

Y/n: Can you pretend not to enjoy the destruction of my family for 1 minute.

Anala: Like you're not enjoying the chaos? Admit Y/n, you and I are the same, we both love the fight.

Y/n: Yeah I like to fight, but not when it's my family on the line. 

(Allison sits back down as the attention draws back to the whole group)

Allison: Let's continue. 

Ben: Sweet.  You guys fight just like us. 

Diego: Nah, man. We don't fight like this.

Anala: Why don't I believe that? 

Y/n: Because you have a warped sense of who we are. Trust me, this isn't us. At least it didn't used to be us. 

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