Part 20: Kidnapping

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*With the sparrow academy*


(Anala comes down stairs)

Anala: What?

Fei: It's time.

Anala: (smiles) I'll get my jacket.

(After she gets her jacket Anala, Fei, Ben, Sloane, and Christopher head to the back. They see their target. Fei start to send her crows after him causing him to run faster. Anala created a small spike in the rode using her ability to control earth making him trip and Sloane caught him and hung him upside down as the 5 stood... or floated around him) 

Luther: Oh shit! 

Sloane: Hello there, stranger.

Luther: (sees Sloane and smiles) Oh Hey.

(Sloane smiles and Anala chuckles. Sloane stops smiling when Ben glares at her. Ben steps toward Luther and kicks him in the face knocking him out  cold as Sloane drops him. 

Anala: So what now? 

Ben: We Get him back to the academy

Anala: And how exactly are we going yo get a giant gorilla man back to the academy? 

(Fei, Sloane and Ben all look at Anala with a smirk)[Christopher speaks] 

Anala: Agh! Fine.

(Anala uses her air control to lift him up and float him back to the academy while hanging him by his ankles. They start walking back with Fei, Christopher, and Ben walking behind as Anala and Sloane walked ahead and Sloane kept an eye on Luther)

Anala: You like him, don't you?

Sloane: What?

Anala: You like Luther.

Sloane: N..No I.. don't 

Anala: You can't lie to me Sloane

Sloane: Okay Fine, maybe a little. 

Anala: I knew (She smiles and Sloane smiles back) (She yells to ben) Why exactly are we kidnapping the ape man again. 

Ben: Because he is the weakest link of their Family. If we can convince him to join us it can be our revenge.

Anala: Our revenge for what exactly?

Ben: They took Marcus

Anala: Where did you get that Idea?

Fei: We caught him talking with that Vanya girl the other night and he never came home.

Anala: You think they did something?

Ben: Of course they did. They are a threat to us and Y/n is not your Friend. She is one of them. Where is that Anala that loved destruction and loved to fight? We need her right now.

(Anala smirks and shoots a small amount of fire at Ben causing him to yelp in pain. She didn't believe them. I mean, would her enemy teach her how to do that?)

Anala: She never left. (She starts to float herself and Luther back to the academy and she lays him down on a medical bed, while her siblings look at each other confused as to when she learned how to control Fire.) 

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