Part 81: Stage 2 of Grief

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Lila: We're not just gonna waltz back in therejust because you say so. 

Luther: Good. Because you're coming with us. 

Five: This should be interesting. 

Y/n: With our family, things tend to get that way

Five: Where to? 

Sloane: Sparrow Academy. 

Luther: The world's ending, so I think it's timewe put our petty bullshit aside and work together on this Kugelblitz. 

Diego: Yeah? Or what? 

Lila: Or Stanley won't bethe last of us to disappear. 

Y/n: Then let's unite the families.

(Everyone leaves and get's into a car. The ride to the academy was silent with Luther, Sloane, Lila and Diego in the back 2 rows of the car with Y/n driving and Five in the passenger seat while holding her hand. 5 minutes later they arrive at the academy and park behind it before entering. They find that Allison is already in the lounge smoking a cigarette. Y/n walks up to Allison while everyone else is looking around)

Y/n: I didn't know you took up smoking.

Allison: It eases the pain. 

Y/n: How are you holding up.

Allison: I don't know, I don't know who I am anymore  

Y/n: Grief can do that to a person

Allison: I killed Harlan

Y/n: I figured. That's why you were here before us right? (Allison nods) Considering Viktor's not here, I'm guessing he doesn't know yet. 

Allison: Nope.

Y/n: Well that's going to be fun to explain.

Allison: You don't care that I killed someone?

Y/n: Do you know how many people I killed?... Exactly. 

Allison:... He's the reason we are here.

Y/n: What?

Allison: He is the reason for the Kugelblitz. After Viktor saved his life some of his powers transferred to Harlan. Harlan killed our Mothers the day we were supposed to be born. And the best part, Is Viktor Knew!

Y/n: Oh shit.  (Grace comes around with a plate of cookies which both of them declined. Y/n had so many questions. Like if her mother was killed than how was Anala still alive, but as she saw her sister was hurting she decided not to question it)

Allison: I'm Just Angry. That's all I feel.

Y/n: Ah, Stage 2 of grief. The most dangerous one. 

Allison: Does it get better?

Y/n: Eventually, but not if you don't let it. 

(They hear a bird crow and look up to see Fei, Ben, and Anala enter the room)

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