Part 63: Speargun

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Viktor: So what's plan B?

(Five and Y/n go silent as they don't know what plan B is Allison gets up and sits behind a pillar as Diego comes back with Klaus and Stanley) 

Klaus: Gimme that. 

(Klaus grabs the bottle out of Five's hands and starts to drink from it) 

Five: What happened to you? 

Klaus: Oh, just a speargun to the chest.No big deal. 

 Y/n: I'm sorry, What the hell? 

Diego: What did we miss? 

 Lila: The universe is ending,and we're all going to die. 

Y/n: Are we just going to ignore the fact that Klaus said he got a speargun through the chest?

Diego: With this family, Anything can happen. No matter how... weird.

Y/n: Okay, you got a point there, but Are you okay Klaus?

Klaus: Never better Blazey.

*With the Sparrow Academy* 

 (Anala, Ben, Fei, and Christopher stand in front of the KugelBlitz with Grace)

Grace: Why have you brought mebefore my God?

Ben: Your right eye. Give it to me. 

Fei: What are you doing? 

Anala: If we wanna beat this thing,first we need to understand it. (She looks over at Fei) It's the only way. 

(Grace plucks out her eye revealing a long wire the shined blue as it stretched out from it's socket)

 Ben: It's time to seewhat's on the other side.

(Ben grabs her eye as he slowly stretches it closer to the Kugelblitz and it gets sucked in before a burst of energy erupts from it

Fei: Whoa! 

Ben: Fei, watch it! Grab her! (They all help pull Grace back from the Kugelblitz)

*Back with the Umbrella's*

(The Academy sees a blue wave pass through them as it disintegrate some people in the lobby)

Diego: What the hell was that?

Y/n: That was a Kugel wave. 

Five: Oh, it's getting worse. 

Luther: How long do we have? 

Y/n: At this rate of escalation,if you factor in-

Luther: How long, guys?

 Five: Four, maybe five daysbefore the rest of existence is blitzed. 

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