Part 82: 2 families

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(The umbrella's look up and see that Ben, Anala and Fei are walking in)

Fei: Welcome. Please make yourselves at home. 

Allison: Bitch, this is our home. 

Fei:  Excuse me? 

Anala: Wrong timeline. This is our house.

Y/n: Useless conversation to have when the world is ending, don't you think?

Anala: Just making sure you know. 

Diego: Where the hellis Viktor and Klaus? 

Five: With our luck,probably Kugelblitzed by now. 

Diego: You're a dark little dude sometimes. 

Y/n: Really you're just figuring that out now.

(Fei sits down on a chair while Anala leans against a pillar close to where Y/n is sitting)

Y/n: But seriously Love, really?

Five: What I'm not wrong.

Anala: (laughs and taps Y/n on the shoulder) I see why you like him. (Diego moves to face palm)

Fei: Ooh, what happened to your hand? 

Y/n: (joking) He gave a mummy a hand job. (Lila burst out laughing and Diego and Five give a little snicker as the rest of the room looked confused at her)

Ben: We don't have time for idle chitchat.Everyone, sit down. (everyone else sits minus Anala who is still leaning against a pillar and Diego)

Diego: "Please" would be nice.  

Ben: No. 

Anala: (sighs noticing that Diego isn't moving) Please sit down Diego. (Diego finally sits down)

Luther: This is kinda nice, right?  All of us here together. One big happy family. (turns to Sloane) I feel like I'm sweaty. Am I sweating? 

Sloane: No, you're fine. 

Ben: Look, I knowthere's been bad blood between us. Whatever. Bygones, right? 

Diego: Question?  Yeah, if I kill you,do we get our Ben back? Hypothetically. (Fei laughs)

Y/n: Sadly that is not how the timeline works.

Ben: Keep talking, and your hand won't bethe only thing bleeding. 

Five: Okay, if the testosterone twins are done,I'd like to get back to a plan. 

(Viktor barges in)

Viktor: Where is he? 

Allison: Viktor.

Y/n and Anala: This should be good. 

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