Part 113: Beauty at the End

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(Everyone made their way outside back to where the ceremony was held. They moves the chairs so they were near each other and facing the Kugelblitz. They hated to admit it but it was a pretty sight)

 Lila: It's probably a good thing. I would've been a shit mum. 

Diego: (kisses her) I doubt that. 

(Luther and Sloane walk out of the banquet hall to where everyone else was)

Luther: Hey, guys. 

Y/n: You know if i didn't know that that thing (She points to the Kugelblitz) was going to end the universe, I would say it was beautiful, It is Beautiful but dangerous.

Five: (Five leans over to Y/n) Just like you. 

(Y/n smiles and kisses his cheek causing his smile to widen even more, until they were interrupted by Klaus and Ben walking over) 

 Diego: Oh, no, no, no, no! 

Klaus: Hey, what?

Diego:  No! 

Five: Klaus, why are you bringing Ben here? 

Ben: (holding a drink and smoking a cigarette) Come on!  

Klaus: Hear me out before-- 

Ben: Hear him out. 

Klaus: The brother that you all knew as Ben is gone. 

Anala: Why do I doubt that? 

Klaus: And not-- I don't mean our Ben,the nice Ben. I mean this Ben. The asshole, he's gone now. 

Ben: Gone. 

Anala: Or he's just drunk. 

Luther: Klaus, what are you talking about? 

Klaus: And the man that standsin front of you is new new Ben, and he's one of us,and he's a member of the team. And he's part of the family! 

Ben:...part of the family!

Five: And as a welcome gift,I suggest we throw him off the roof. 

Diego: Yeah. I'll help. 

Y/n: Can I join?

Five: Of course you can darling

Klaus: Come on. 

Luther: You know what? You know what? He can stay. He can stay. 

Diego: Why?

Luther: 'Cause it's my wedding day, man.Come on. He can stay.

Ben and Klaus: Yes! 

Klaus: I knew it, I knew it. 

Ben: Hey, big guy. Awfully nice of you.

Luther: Yeah, you're... you're welcome. 

(Ben sits down next to Anala)

Ben: Hey sissy! (He lays his head down on your lap)

Anala: Yup, he's definitely drunk. 

Klaus: (looks up at the sky)Ooh! Whoa! Holy smokes.

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