Part 71: We've been looking for you

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(Five blinks him and Y/n outside of what looks like a biker bar with big trucks, trailers, and motorcycles in the parking lot) 

Five: Stay close to me. 

Y/n: Five, I can handle myself. 

Five: Trust me, I know that, but I just want to make sure no one gets any ideas.

Y/n: Okay, I'll stay with you.

(Five smiles and thanked her. He kisses her forehead as she smiles and they start to walk into the bar holding each other's hands as a group a biker stair at them. They head to the door with a sign above it that says Mothers of Agony.) 

Y/n: Well that's an interesting logo. 

(Y/n nudges Five as they see a man's body with a beer belly, goats head in a star and angle wing with human hands and hoofs for feet. They  walk up a flight if stairs into a dimly lit bar filled with men with tattoo)

Random Guy: What are kids doing here?

Random Girl: This ain't a place for little kids.

Another guy: Wait is that Anala from the Sparrow Academy?

Random #4: Oh my god is it? What is she doing here? 

Y/n's thought: Well they already think I'm Anala... (She smirks obviously about to do something)

Five: (Whispers) Don't 

Y/n: Don't what?

Five: I already know what you're thinking, and don't. We aren't here for trouble. Not unless they start it. 

Y/n: Fine.

(They walk up to a door that says members only with a goats head and star on the door. When they open it they see a guy getting tattooed who they assumed to be the leader of the Mothers of Agony)

Five: We've been looking for you.

(The person stands up and stops tattooing the other man and turns around to snarl at them, when they realize it isn't a person at all but it was... Pogo?)

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