Part 64: Panic Attack

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( The entire Academy goes silent as they try to process what was happening. Allison gets up and runs behind a pillar and Y/n goes to follow her. When she sees Allison, she is hyperventilating and crying as she claws at her throat.)

Y/n: Woah, Woah, Allison, Hey 

(She runs in front of her sister and kneels so they are eye level as Allison slid down the wall still struggling to breathe) 

Y/n: Allison, Look at me okay. I need you to calm down. Focus on me, okay, nothing else.

(Allison looks at Y/n)

Y/n: Good, Good, now breathe in, (She inhales) and breathe out (she exhales) Perfect, You're doing great, just keep breathing with me okay.

(Y/n helps Allison get her breathing under control. Once she calms down Allison looks at Y/n)

Allison: Thank you Y/n.

Y/n: Of Course. Are you okay?

Allison: Yeah, Yeah, I'm okay. What was that?

Y/n: That was a Panic Attack. Is this your first time getting one?

Allison: Yeah, It's... It's scary. It felt like I was...

Y/n: Like you were dying, couldn't breathe, trapped.

Allison: Exactly. How do you know?

Y/n: I get them all the time.  

Allison: How do you deal with them?

Y/n: It's hard to prevent them, but Five used to help me stop them.

Allison: Like you just did.

Y/n: Yes, but there might be times when you are alone, and people won't be there to help or they won't know what to do, you're going to have toi help yourself get out of it.

Allison: How?

Y/n: Something that always helped me, Focus on one thing, someone or something, that will come you down, and breathe.

Allison: Does it world?

Y/n: I can't say if it will work for you, everyone's different, it's only one method, but you should do some research for yourself.

Allison: Okay. I will.

Y/n: Good

Allison: Thank you Y/n. It means a lot.

Y/n: Of Course Ally. Your my sister. I just want to make sure you are safe. 

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