Part 83: Deserve to Live

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(Viktor Barges in with harlan's headphones and cassette player in his hand))

Viktor: Where is he?

 Allison: Viktor.

Y/n and Anala: This should be fun

(Viktor stand in the middle of the room looking at everyone around him. They all sat or stood in a circle around him with Lila, Diego, and Five on the couch with Y/n on a chair right next to him and Allison next to her with Anala hovering between them. Then there sat Luther and Sloane on 2 seperate chairs but holding hands and Fei on a lounge next to Sloane with ben standing next to her)  

Viktor: What did you do to Harlan? (He looks at Ben accusingly)

Allison: They didn't do anything.(everyone looks at Allison) I did.  I killed Harlan.

(Ben gives a sly smirk to Anala which she returns knowing their plan is starting to work as Viktor's eyes start to tear up and he looks at Allison speechless.)

Viktor: What... I... I don't... I don't understand. Why? 

Allison: Because he didn't deserve to live. 

(Ben goes to grab the bowl of cheese balls as he takes a seat in between Five and Diego. Y/n looks down. She knew what Allison said was harsh, and even though it was a killing to protect the universe, she felt sad for Viktor who she knew cared about Harlan. Yes Harlan made a mistake, one that could have ended the world. One where he killed 7 people but Y/n knew sh killed way more people than 7 in her lifetime, so by that logic was she also not deserving to live? It was a question that not only applied to her but to everyone in that room. They were all killer, whether it be for missions or ending the world, they had all killed, so what did that mean for all of them?) 

Viktor:  What? Because they said so? You don't have to listen to them. 

Ben:(whispers to Five, loud enough for Y/n to hear) 20 bucks on the little one. 

Viktor: They don't get to tell uswhat to do. 

Five: (whispers back to ben) I'll take that action. (earning a hit on the arm from Y/n)

Y/n: Do not bet on our siblings fighting.

Viktor: You coulda talked to me.We could've figured out something else.

Allison: So, what, you could lie to us againand take his side? 

Viktor: That's not what happened. 

Allison: Oh, no,that's exactly what happened. I know Harlan killed all of our mothers

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