Part 96: We failed

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(Anala and Y/n get to  the hotel and Anala lands but Y/n remains floating)

Anala: Y/n, are you coming?

Y/n: Yeah just give me a sec.

(Anala nodded her head and walks inside. Y/n looks around at what was left of the world. This was worse than the Apocalypse. Her and Five had been able to survive in the post apocalyptic world that they were stuck in, but once this ended there would be no world. The world was not in one piece as the Kugelblitz absorbed slowing the little of what was left. The only thought replying in her head was We failed. After everything we've done, everything we've lost, Everything we've risked. We failed. We couldn't save the world. A single tear fell from her eye seeing the world collapsing but she quickly wiped it away before landing and walking inside. Once the entered the doors she heard someone running up to her. As she looked up she noticed Five getting closer as he wrapped his arms around her) 

Y/n: Love, Are you okay?

Five: Yeah, I'm fine, I just thought for a second I lost you. 

(Y/n smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek)

Y/n: I'm right here, darling. Where are the others?

Five: Everyone else is waiting upstairs. Their safe. When Anala walked in without you, I just thought the worst. We should get upstairs, I know everyone else was worried about you too. 

(They both walk up the stairs to find the umbrella's and what was left of the Sparrows sitting in a circle. As soon as she noticed Y/n walking up the stairs, Allison ran over and gave her a hug)

Allison: Thank God, you're alright. 

(As soon as Allison let go Diego came up to hug Y/n)

Diego: You scared me sis

(Diego let go and sits back down)

Viktor: (from his chair) Are you okay?

Y/n: Guys, I'm fine I promise.

(Five and Y/n walk over to the railing and Five leans on it while Y/n leans against him and he wraps his arm around her.) 

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