Part 87: Girl chat

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(Later on Lila, Y/n and Anala go into the main room to find Allison sitting on a bar stool drinking. Y/n and Anala sit next to her and Lila goes to look in the wine fridge) 

Lila: Just champagne. Absolute wankers. 

Anala: We don't drink a lot. That's why we are such good hero's. 

Lila: And such bores. Speaking of wankers, uh...  Any inside tipson how to get your stupid brother to accept my apology? 

Y/n: For one you can stop calling him stupid

Allison: People don't want apologies. They want confessions. They want you to stand thereand list the shitty ways you've hurt them so they know you understand. Unless you're Viktor,in which case nothing's ever good enough.

Anala: You killed his friend, It's understandable he's upset.

Y/n: Well he also killed the world, tried to protect the guy that shot me, focuses so much on his own pain, and continues to throw himself a pity party as if this whole family doesn't have it's damn issues and he continues to cause more damage instead of fixing his own problems and relies on everyone else to do it for him.  

(Lila and Allison look at her as Y/n vented to the group with Anala having a small almost unnoticeable smirk on her face.) 

Y/n: (notice everyone looking) What?... Listen I'm not saying I don't love him, He's my brother, but he is acting a little like a cry baby.

 Lila: Yeah. That was a bit exciting. Um, how do you feel about all of... 

Allison: Fine.

(Allison offers a flask to Lila)

Lila: I prefer the hoppy bitternessof a good Guinness. 

Allison: (nodding to Y/n) I would offer you some Y/n but I know you don't drink.

Y/n: Ah, the world is ending for the 3 time in a month, so screw it. (She grabs the flask and takes a swig and hands it back to Lila)

Allison: You know, I thought killing Harlanwould make me feel better. Or worse. Jesus, just something.  But... it didn't. 

Lila: Or maybe you're feeling everythingall at once, and it all just kind of cancels out.

Y/n: You know that's the most dangerous part of killing, when it stops affecting you. That's when you know you lost yourself, and after that, it's nearly impossible to get it back... or even worse, when you start to enjoy it.

Anala:...God you're a depressing drunk. 

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