Part 111: Of Course I Care

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(Chet turns on some music to lighten up the mood)

Y/n: Hey I'm going to go check on Allison.

Five: Okay, I love you.

Y/n: I love you too, Five

(She gets up and walks away to go find Allison. After a few minutes of walking around she finds her in an empty room.)

Y/n: You okay?

Allison: I should have known you'd be the one to come after me.

Y/n: sorry to disappoint. 

Allison: No, No, I'm glad you're here. Thanks for caring.

Y/n: Ally, you're my sister, of course I care.

(Allison starts to tear up and Y/n hugs here)

Allison: Viktor says he forgives me.

Y/n: For what?

Allison: For killing Harlan. I don't need his forgiveness. I was trying to save the goddamn world. 

Y/n: Were you?

Allison: Of course I was. Why else would I do that.

Y/n: You wanted to get back at him for him lying to us. I would understand if you did.

Allison: Maybe that had a factor... Y/n, I love you, but I really just want to be alone right now.

Y/n: That's okay. If you do need someone to talk to, I'm right here for you.

Allison: I know you are.

(Y/n gives her one last hug and walks back to the banquet hall to see everyone but Viktor dancing. Five she sees has a bottle of champagne in his hand. She walks up to Five and takes the bottle out of his hands, making him turn around.)

Five: Oh Hey Love (He hugs Y/n tight giving her a kiss on her forehead)

Y/n: You're already drunk aren't you? 

Five: Maybe just a little. 

(Y/n smiles and walks up to Viktor)

Y/n: Come on it's a wedding. Dance. It could be your last chance.

(Viktor simply smiles at her as she holds out one of her hands and he takes it as he is dragged onto the dance floor and everyone starts dancing together and having a good time.)

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