Part 24: Breakfast with the Sparrows

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*With the Sparrows*

(It's been a couple hours since they kidnapped Luther. They put him in the medical room and had Grace take care of him as they all wait in exercise room at the bar. Sloane, Fei, Ben, Jayme, Alphonso, and Anala are all joking around hanging out together when they hear Luther come in and they turn to see him holding a mod as if ready to attack) 

Alphonso: Ah, there he is.

Fei: Please, join us. 

Ben: It's okay. Nobody's gonna hurt you. 

Anala: (mutters to Jayme) We'll see how it goes (Jayme lets out a stifled laugh)

Sloane: Smoothie? (She hands him glass with a green smoothie in it)

Luther: Oh. Yeah, thanks. [chuckles]

Fei: You must be starving. 

Luther: Oh, uh... No, I... I probably shouldn't.Is that cashew butter? 

Sloane: (sits down with the rest of them) Cashew butter, almond butter,sunflower butter, tahini, Brazil nut.

Anala: Name it, we got it.

Luther: Wow. You know what? Now that you mention it,I am feeling a little bit, uh,  peckish, actually. 

Alphonso: Help yourself. 

Luther: Thanks.(Take a drink of his smoothie) Wow. (He sits doen across from Ben and starts eating)

Ben: So, we know you're Number One,  but we haven't beenformally introduced yet. I'm Ben, Number Two. 

Luther: It is so goodto see you again, buddy. [chuckles]

Anala: You know he's not the same Ben you knew, right?

Luther: Yeah I know. 

Anala: You can have him, if you want (She jokes and the academy laughs expect for Ben who gives her a playful death stare, knowing she was only joking)

Luther: I'm going to have to decline

Anala: Yeah your sister did too.

Fei: Anyway, I'm Fei, Number Three. 

Alphonso:  Alphonso, cuatro.

Sloane: Sloane. Five. Hey. 

Luther: Hey

Jayme: I'm Jayme, Six. 

Anala: Saving best for last, I'm Anala, Number 8

 Ben: That's Christopher, of course.Number Seven. (he points to the floating cube in the corner) 

 [Christopher speaks] 

Ben: Oh, don't mind him.He's in a bit of a saucy mood today. 

 [Sparrows chuckling] 

Alphonso:  He wouldn't get it. 

Sloane: It's just so-- [laughs]

(Luther starts to laugh even though he has no idea what's going on)

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