Part 37: Briefcase

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Lila: Well, I read the same training manualsas you did. Why? 

Five: Because it's happening. 

Lila: You being stupid? 

Y/n: Hand over your briefcase, Lila.

Lila: How do you know I still have one?

Y/n: Because you're here, and you were taught the same way we were. It's an instinct. You wouldn't just leave a briefcase. You were taught to protect it, that doesn't go away overnight.  

Lila: It left you.

Y/n: We weren't raised there. It's our instinct to protect out family, and that has never gone away. And it never will, and to protect them we need a briefcase. So I'll ask again Lila, Where is the briefcase?

Five: We need to go to Herb and find outhow he let things get so cocked up. 

Lila: Over there with my knickers.Toss them to me, will you?

(Five walks over to a pile with clothes on top that he threw to her to notice the 2 briefcases underneath it) 

Five: Lila,  why is it you have two briefcases? 

Y/n: And where did you get 2? 

Lile: Mmm.  One's yours. Nicked it from the Sparrows.

Y/n: No surprise there. 

Lila: Go on. Give it a go. First, we try yours. 

(Five opens the briefcase but it sputters and does nothing)

Lila: And then we try mine. 

(Five opens the second briefcase and it does the same thins)

Lila: Yeah. 

Y/n: Well, Shit.

Five:(stutters) This can't be happening. The odds of one of them failing,it's in the millions. But two of them... 

Y/n: (she puts a hand on his back to try and calm him down) Astronomical. 

Lila: Yeah. So, what does that mean exactly? End of the world? 

Five: Oh, it's much worse than that. 

Lila: How is that possible?

Five: Because It means the 3 of us are gonna have to work together. 

Lila and Y/n: Shit.

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