Part 6: Illusion

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*Five's POV*

(Among the fight, Y/n and I got seperated. God I hope she's okay but she's strong, She'll be fine. After fighting with Ben and the cube I notice that Allison needs my help so I grab her and blink upstairs to safety. 

Allison: Thanks.

Five: No problem. 

(We both stand up and I hear another voice behind us)

Jayme: Hey, short pants. What's up? 

(We bother turn to her)

Five: Go help the others. I'll handle this one.

Allison: Okay.

(Allison walks away as I face Jayme)

Jayme: What are you, their mascot? 

(I give her a sarcastic smirk before blinking behind her and punch her) 

Five: More like their ringer. 

(She hisses and this black liquid spits onto my face)

Five: Ugh. Hey, gross, all right? (The liquid absorbs and I start to feel weird, I look around and Jayme is gone)The hell?

(Then I hear it)

???: Five!

(Someone screamed in pain. Oh no, That's Y/n's voice)

Five: Y/n!

(I turn the corner and that's when I see her. She was laying on the ground, She looked like she had when she was in the cabin after going to look for Vanya. She had a bullet hole in her chest and blood trickling from the side of her mouth.)

Five: no...

(I kneel down next to her a reach for her heart, nothing. No. She can't be gone. My wife, The love of my life. Dead before me. and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I get snapped out of what I now know was just an illusion as i go flying down the stairs, but a ramp out of ice forms saving me from further injury. As I reach the bottom I look up and see Y/n. I stood up as quick as I could and hugged her. She's okay, I put my hand over her heart. Beating. good.)

*General POV*

Y/n: Are you okay, Love? 

Five: I'm fine, let's get out of here. Where were you?

Y/n: I was talking with Anala, until Allison said you all needed help.

Five: Anala?! Are you having any symptoms.

Y/n: No, surprisingly I'm fine. 

(They look over and see Luther getting his ass kicked and Vanya being lifted above everyone and release her causing her to break the table.)

Y/n: We should go.

Five: Yup

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