Part 135: He's responsible

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*Back in the World of the Living*

(Everyone starts to seperate. After Y/n grabs some sushi from the sushi bar she walks to a set of chairs in the corner of the room followed by Five and later joined by Viktor. they all start watching Reginald as he flips through his book and looks around the room.) 

Y/n: This can't actually be happening, can it? 

Viktor: What do you mean? 

Y/n: First Anala goes missing, then Luther is killed, then Klaus doesn't make it through the tunnel. This can't all just be random. 

Viktor: It could be.

 Five: Nah, it's like the old man said. Once is happenstance,twice is coincidence, and three times ain't gonna happen 'cause I'm not a gibbering idiot.

Viktor: Well, we can't be sure he killed Klaus or Luther or if he is responsible for Anala. 

Five: You serious? 

Y/n: If I had to bet on it, I would say he's responsible for all there deaths. 

Five: This is his modus operandi.We've seen this before. Have you forgotten howwe all came together in the first place? 

Viktor: Dad's funeral.

Five: Exactly.

Y/n: He's been manipulating everything and everyone since the beginning. 

Five: He pulled this on you rubes before,and he's doing it again now. 

Viktor: Come on, Guys. 

Five: No. He lost the vote to come through the tunnel

Y/n: yet here we are. 

Viktor: Are you really sure that he could kill Luther? 

Y/n: He wouldn't think twice. 

Five:  I think he could kill Luther,Klaus, and the rest of us without breaking a moral sweat. And what's worse, we think Allison is involved. 

Y/n:(mumbles) It's not like I've been saying that since the wedding or anything.

Viktor: No. No. 

(Five and Y/n both scoffed as they look over to Sloane and Allison who were on the stairs wiping the blood off their hands) 

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