Part 32: Died before I was Born

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(Klaus got in the car after a women pulled him aside and gave him a journal and Five, Y/n and Klaus drive away. Y/n drives as Klaus starts looking through the journal)  

Five: Y/n, can you slow down please?!

Y/n: We were just being chased by a bunch of amish people with pitchforks because our brother can't get along with others. So no, I think this is justified. 

(They drive a little bit further and Y/s starts to slow down once she was sure that they had lost the mob that had just been chasing them.)

Y/n: (She takes a deep breathe) So Klausy What did you find? And what cause the mob to start chasing you like you were a witch during the Salem witch trials? 

(Klaus leans closer to Y/n and Five and pointed to a page of the journal that he had been looking at. He pointed to a news article about a women who died in an explainable way which confused middics and the people who performed the autospy. The date is what caught Y/n's attention. Despite her driving she spared a couple of looks towards the book where the date read. Died on October 1 1989. Their birthdays? Well, that's not supposed to happen.) 

Klaus: This whole timeline'schock-full of riddles. Get this. My mom died here before I was even born! 

(Hearing this Y/n slammed on the breaks causing them to fling forward a little bit at the sudden stop)

Five: What did you just say? 

Y/n: Your mother died before you were born?!

Klaus: Yeah.

(Five and Y/n give each other a concerning look before turning their attention onto their brother once again.)

Klaus: (looks nervous) Guys... What's going on? (But it's met with only silence and the gazes of Five and Y/n that kept switching between each other and him) 

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