Part 17: 4 elements

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(Vanya and Marcus leave and Anala bring you back up to her room)

Anala: You came back?

Y/n: I'm to curious for that. 

Anala: You and I really are the same person. But one question remains, Why do we have different powers?

Y/n: (Thinks for a second)  What if there not? 

Anala: What are you talking about?

Y/n: What if we both can control all 4 elements, but only 2 have shown for each of us. 

Anala: That's possible, how would we test it? 

Y/n: Just try and use Fire and water and I'll try to use Air and Earth.

Anala: Okay, You go first. 

(Y/n looks around the room and focuses on a collection of rocks by the windowsill.)

Anala: Earth is the element of sturdiness, and strength. Plant your feet in the ground and stay strong.

(Y/n takes a deep breath and holds out her hand. Slowly the rocks begin to shake and float. Y/ smiles to herself as she shatters the rock into little pieces)

Anala: You pick up things quick.  (Anala gives Y/n a smile) Now let's try air.

(Anala continues to teach Y/n air and earth manipulation and Y/n starts to get the hang of things.)

Anala: Did you have any clue you had more power inside you all along?

Y/n: Kind of. Once my dad told me that I had more to me than Five and Water. 

Anala: when you were a kid?

Y/n: No , it was actually before we left our original timeline. 

Anala: Wasn't he dead?

Y/n: Yeah, And technically I was too. I saw the afterlife and had a talk with dear old Dad.

Anala: Emphasis on the old

(They both laughed and continued to work on both their powers. Anala was getting descent with water but still had some trouble with fire  and Y/n was doing well in both.) 

Y/n: I should head back before they notice I'm gone. 

Anala: Okay. I hope to see you soon.

Y/n: Same here. 

(Y/n left and went back to the Hotel. When she entered hers and Five's hotel room she found Five still asleep. She smiled to herself and went over to lay on Five's chest, Falling asleep once again) 

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