Part 52: Chaos

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(Five, Lila and Y/n start to search around for the bunker that they read abou to try and find the founders of the commission. They end up walking up a staircase ad Five continues to read the book as Y/n walks in front of Five and Lila)

Five: This is just likea bunch of bureaucratic bullshit. 

Y/n: So is the rest of the commission

Five: I know, but there's no clear directives in hereabout crisis management. (Five closes the book) You know, Lila, we shouldn't even be here. we were... we were out. We were done, and yet here we are,swept back into the chaos.  (They reach the top of the stairs to the second floor as Five itches his neck) Why can't we just escape this hellhole? 

Lila: Because you love it. 

(Five Farts)

 Five: My bad.

Lila: Face it, Five, apocalypse problems are the only thingsthat get your heart pumping. Other than Y/n of course (She says mockingly) And Y/n Let's be honest, you love this, It's what keep you alive.  

Five:(Five starts itching his neck again) I don't know why people keep saying that.I don't actually like chaos. I don't want disorder. I... I want retirement. 

Lila: [laughs] Yeah, right. 

Five: What? 

Lila: A normal life of groceries and taxes?You would die of boredom.

Five: Yeah, well, you're not exactly cut outfor domestic bliss either.  (Five opens the door on the other end of the hall and let's Y/n first and follows her and Lila soon follows behind)

Lila: 'Course I'm bloody not. Thank God!

Y/n: let's be honest here, none of us are. We are the children of chaos, It's all we've ever known. What are we without it? (They start to go down another flight of stairs)

Lila: I mean, maybe it's a tone thing? I don't know, but you could really workon, like, the way you speak. (They reach the bottom of the stairs and find a hallway that has a lot of things blocking it so they start to jump over and weave through the blockade to get to the other side) It's very... It's irritating. I'm just saying it's somethingyou can work on, you know?  For the future. 

Y/n: We could say the same about you.

(Five and Y/n reach the end and see the door at the end of the hall and start smiling)

Lila:  Why you smiling, you little pisspots?

Five:  'Cause of that.

(Five points to the sign above the door that says operation bunkers)

Lila: Well, you could have led with that.

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