Part 78: Gift for Peace

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*Back with the Sparrow Academy*

(Anala is reading in the foyer when the phone starts to ring. Confused she gets up and answers it)

Anala: Sparrow Academy. How can I save your ass tonight?

Allison: Anala, glad I got you. 

Anala: Allison, I have to say, I wasn't expecting to hear from an umbrella tonight? What can I help you with.

Allison: Harlan.

Anala: The old man who killed my brother and sister almost killing the rest of my siblings in the process? What about him? 

Allison: He's dead. 

Anala: Really? How?

Allison: Unimportant. I'm on my way to the academy to hand over the body. Meet me outside with the rest of your team in 10 minutes. 

(Anala smiles to herself knowing Allison will see Luther wearing a sparrow uniform)

Anala: We will all be there(She hangs up) And one of yours will be there too. (screams up) HEY GUYS! GET DOWN HERE!

(Ben, and Fei come down the stairs)

Fei: What's up Anala?

Anala: The old man that killed our siblings. He's dead. Allison is bringing over the body now. We are meeting her outside in 10 minutes

Ben: How do you know?

Anala: She just gave us a call. 

Fei: Perfect. So what now?

Ben: once we get his body we start to work with the Umbrella's. 

Anala: Fei, go get dad. (She leaves) Ben, Go get Luther and Sloane. Allison should see what team her brother's on, and he should know what kind of person she turned into. (Anala smirks and Ben smirks back before leaving to get them)

(10 minutes later the academy is waiting outside as a black car roles up. Allison gets out and opens the truck where they find a dead body of Harlan. Ben, Fei and Anala walk up to the trunk to get a closer look) 

Allison: You got what you wanted. This is done.

Anala: Good, So let's save the world. 

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