Part 125: Traitor

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(Y/n and Five leave and go down the hall)

Y/n: So the world is ending, What do you want to do?

Five: I just want to get some food, then lay in bed and cuddle with the women I love as the world burns around us. 

(Y/n smiles still following him as he goes to the kitchen and finds a box of mac and cheese, so he grabs a pot and goes to fill it up with water but Y/n takes it, creates water in the pot and boils it with her hand before dumping the mac and cheese in it)

Five: I keep forgetting that you can do that. 

(A couple minutes later they finish making the mac and cheese, Five put it in a big bowl and grabbed a fork)

Five: (tries to hand Y/n a fork) Want some?

Y/n: (smiles) No thanks, I'm good. 

(They start to walk back to their room when they hear someone behind them)

Viktor: What are you doing?

Five: Eating mac and cheese. Heading back to our room. Just thinking.  

Viktor: Thinking about what? 

Five: The old man is hiding something.

Y/n: (scoffs) Isn't he always?

Viktor: Yeah, feels like there's a lot of thatgoing around.

Y/n: How do you mean? 

Viktor: Allison apologized to me. 

Five: Okay, and that's suspicious, how? 

Viktor: Last night she was readyto go ten rounds with me at the wedding, and this morningit's all family and Dad and love. I don't know. Something must have happenedlast night, but I don't know what.

(Both Five and Y/n looking at each other as Five came to the realization about who the traitor was as he dropped his bowl of mac and cheese) 

 Viktor Five! Y/n! What? What's going on? 

Five: It's Allison. 

Y/n: You're just now figuring that out! I've been saying that since the beginning.

Viktor: What? Allison's what?

(They all hear Sloane scream)

Y/n: The traitor. 

(She rushes off to the room where she heard the screams followed by Five and Viktor) 

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