Part 74: Games

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Ben: You think that this will work?

Anala: Not 100% put pretty sure especially with the Sloane think. We are Sparrows first. The Umbrella don't think like that. Maybe Y/n and Five, but Five are more committed to her than anything else but Y/n's big on family. Luther isn't, stuck on the moon for years. Not much of his family find him that important.  He's the weakest link.

Ben: Okay, Let's go

Anala: (smirks) Let the games begin

(They both walk into the main room where Luther and Sloane are sitting)

Ben: Give us a minute.

(Sloane gets up and starts to walk out)

Sloane: You. Be nice. 

Anala: Hey I am always nice.

(Ben snickers and Anala gives him a death glare)

Sloane: You're not the one I'm worried about (she leaves) 

Luther: Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to creep into your house. Don't blame Sloane-- 

Ben: What's your game? 

Luther: Big fan of Yahtzee.

Anala: That's not... Wrong type of game.

Luther: You know, old Benwould have laughed at that joke. And Y/n would too.

Anala: Would she?

 Ben: Okay, Gigantor,  out with it. What's with your family'sweird brother Ben fetish? 

Luther: He... you... were the best of us, and you died too soon. The Jennifer incident-

Anala: The what? 

Luther: It doesn't matter. 

Luther: Just know that we werenever the same without you.  So, I'll take every secondof whatever version of you we've got. 

Ben: I'm not him, you moron. 

Luther:  Yes, I know. He cared about people.He was selfless and... and kind- 

Ben: Don't forget funny. 

Luther: You know, maybe... maybe there's a little bit of himinside of you. 

Ben: Nope. Not at all. 

Anla: (laughs) If you can get that Ben out of him (points to Ben) I will pay you a million dollars.

Luther:  Well, genetically you are the same person,just raised in a different environment. 

 Ben: Oh, here we go.  The old nature versus nurture argument.

Luther: (gets up and points to ben's chest) Deny it,  but he's in there...  somewhere. 

Ben: Okay. I've already had one big dumb brothertelling me what to do. I don't need another. But the team might. 

Anala: Grace!

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