Part 80: Oblivion

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*Back with Five and Y/n*

(Y/n and Five are walking down the hall when they run into Diego looking scared)

Y/n: Diego, What's wrong? Are you okay? 

Diego: It took Stanley. 

Five: What?

Diego: The KugelBlitz it took Stanley

(Y/n and Five look at eachother and Y/n looks back at Diego and notices that he's missing 2 fingers)

Y/n: What the hell happened?!

(Diego explains how he and Lila went into a glowing hallway when they couldn't find Stan and the thing that attacked them before they escaped and saw Stan get vaporized. They go back to the room and Fve and Y/n start examining the "door" as Diego and Lila continue to search for Stanley)

Lila: What the hell are you doing?Stanley is gone! We need to face this! 

Diego: Just check the chimney! 

Lila: He's not in the bloody chimney!He's been Kugelblitzed! 

Diego: Whose fault is that, huh?You're the one that brought him here! 

Five: Congratulations.You're both mildly terrible fake parents.

Y/n: Can we focus? Come on.How did this thing open before? 

 Diego: I don't know. It was already kinda open. 

Five: "Already kinda open." Diego, you should have been an engineer.It's a lost opportunity. 

Y/n: (hits Five's shoulder) Be nice, He's freaking out.

Lila: Why'd you wanna go in there anyway?It's just sushi and death. 

Five: When we met future mein the Commission bunker, I warned myself about Oblivion. Now, Pogo told us-

Diego: Wait, whoa, whoa! Pogo's alive? 

Y/n: Different Pogo, but yes. 

Five: The monkey saidDad spent years training the Sparrows for some kind ofsuper-secret mission into... 

Lila: Oblivion? 

Five: So, I come back hereand find that you two sentient STDs have actually been in there. 

Y/n: Everything's leading to Oblivion. 

Five: So we have to go in there. 

Lila: Hell no! Not happening. 

Diego: No way! We barely got out alive. 

 Five: Yeah? So what?This is about more than just you two. 

Diego: Says the guy with all his fingers. I didn't get this by giving a mummy a hand job, all right? I went in there,and I lost my fingers to this thing with... with a knife and on a chain. 

Lila: Hey, look, Diego might be90% moron and 10% pelvic thrusts, but he's right about Oblivion, okay?  We're not just gonna waltz back in therejust because you say so. 

Luther: (Walks in with Sloane) Good. Because you're coming with us.

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