Part 53: Bring them Home

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*Back with the Sparrow Academy*

(Anala walks down the stairs to the academy to find Fei, Ben, and Chris all in the living room)

Anala: Perfect, you're all here, let's go.

Fei: Where exactly?

Anala: Back to Hotel Obsidian. I just got a call from Sloane, She's safe. She says that the Umbrella's don't want a war, that the guy that showed up wasn't one of them and they want to make peace. We're going to pick up Sloane and Jayme and Alphonso.

Ben: Are you insane? They almost killed us last time. Sloane can fend for herself and Jayme and Alphonso are dead.

Anala: We have to bring them home Ben, and Sloane is still there, we need to bring her home. Ben, Their our family. So either you come with me or you don't. I'm going either way.

Fei: I'm coming

Anala: Thanks Fei. 

Fei: Your a better leader than this one. (motions to ben)

(Ben death stares at Fei and Chris speaks)

Anala: Good, you 2 go get the car ready, I'll be right there.

Fei: Which car?

Anala: The black jeep. We need one with a big enough trunk to fit Jayme and Alphonso.

(Fei nods and they leave. Anala sighs and turns back to Ben)

Anala: I know you want to be a leader, Ben, but sulking around and planning for a war isn't how you lead. 

Ben: The leader of sparta only planned for war.

Anala: And eventually they fell. Our wholes lives we've been training for the next fight, the next war, the next mission. But we are still family, and I will bring them home, even if they are dead.

Ben: Fine I'll come with you. But what happened to the Anala who loved to fight?

Anala: I never loved to fight Ben, I love adventure and excitement, but i never wanted to fight.

Ben: You act like you do

Anala: It's just that. An act.

Ben: Then why do you still do it?

Anla: Because, It's all I've ever known. 

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