Part 47: Is that Possible?

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*Back with Y/n, Lila, and Five*

(Five and Y/n had caught up to Lila as the 3 entered the door of the commission)

Lila: (laughing) Holy shit. 

(They all look around to find the commission was a wreck with glass and srades of debris on the floor of the entrance and leading up to the stairs. The pace looked abandoned)

Lila: I was just here.How long was I bloody gone? 

Five: It seems the grandfather paradoxis affecting everything. 

(Five puts the briefcase down and fixes his watch)

Five: Even places out of time. 

Lila: Is that possible? 

Five: We stopped tracking what was possiblea long time ago. 

Lila: And why is that?

Y/n: We do things that are supposed to be impossible everyday Lila, at this point, Is anything impossible? 

(They start walking and a pew large pieces of debris fall but Y/n used her newly learned air ability to blow it out of the way before it could hit any of them)

Lila: Since when could you control wind?

Y/n: Technically always, but I learned it about 2 days ago. 

Lila: How many powers do you have?

Y/n: One, Elemental control and manipulation.

Lila: Does that mean you can control earth to?

Y/n: Yes, (Lila looks at her in surprise) Jealous? 

Lila:... No. (she tries to copy Y/n abilities again)

Y/n: Lila, What are you doing?

Lila: Nothing.

Y/n: I can feel you trying to copy my abilities.

Lila: So?

Y/n: If you couldn't copy my Fire or Ice, What makes you think you are going to be able to copy my Earth and Air? 

Five: (steps in) We better get moving. we'll check the Infinite Switchboard. 

Lila: And I'll check Herb's office.Little cockroach would survive anything. 

(Five and Y/n start walking up the stairs and Lila starts walking down the hallway)

Lila: Bye. 

Five: See ya. 

Lila: Miss you.

Y/n:  That's weird. 

A/N: First part of 2023!! Thank you all so much for your support and I hope you all have a wonderful New years. I have a lot of things planned for this year, not only this book but new books as well so I hope you all enjoy!

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