Part 120: Not if I can help it

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(The room went silent for a little bit until Ben stood up from his chair and stood next to Reginald)

Ben: I'm in. 

Y/n: Of course you are.

 (Five tilts his head thinking about the night before and what he had seen, thinking about who it could be)

Diego: Me too. 

(Diego stood up causing Lila's head, which was on his lap, to hit the couch because of how fast he stood up)

Lila: Ow.

(Five looks at Diego suspiciously)

Y/n: (whispers to Five) You can't seriously think that Diego is betraying us right?

Five: (Whispers back) I don't know, but it's a possibility.

Y/n: Diego wouldn't do that. Plus he left after I did, he wouldn't have time.

Five: So who do you think it is?

Y/n: It's either Anala or Allison? Anala would be here though wouldn't she? Plus she has made it extremely clear that she disapproves of dad and his method.

Five: So you think it's Allison? 

Y/n: I don't want to but I think it's the only thing that makes sense.  

(Five nods and they both turn back to the main conversation)

Diego:  But I think some of us should stay back. Like Lila. 

Lila: Uh... or you can stay, and I can go. 

Allison: No. This is much bigger than all of us.Nobody can stay back. 

Reginald: You, my children, are all that standsbetween us and oblivion. Are we ready to go? 

Viktor: Well, I say we vote. 

Ben: This isn't a democracy. Dad's calling the shots. 

Y/n: Not if I can help it

Five: I'm with Viktor. We vote. 

Reginald: The world is ending,and you want to count hands?

Y/n: We've done enough for you without having a choice in the matter. This one is up to us. I say we vote. 

Luther: You're asking us to risk our lives. I think it's only fairyou give us time to discuss it.(Reginald stands there in shock before Luther adds) Privately. 

(Reginald walks away)

Y/n: Why don't we meet back here in an hour?

Five: Agreed. 

Luther: Okay.

Diego: Yeah, sure. 

Lila: Whatever.

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