Part 143: Guardian

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(After walking for a little while the hotel starts to shake as the lights flicker then rays of yellow light start to stream through seemingly nowhere and they all start to look around )

Ben: What the hell does that mean? 

Y/n: I think that means someone rang the damn bell. 

Sloane: And what does that mean? 

Five: How are we supposed to know?

Y/n: If I had to take a guess I think it would mean we are screwed. 

(They continue to walk down the hall and turn and come face to face with what they assume to be a person dressed in samurai armor with a katana and a weird looking mask.)

Ben: Really?... A samurai

Y/n: Definitely don't think  they're joking.

(All of a sudden Sloane lets out an angry scream and runs straight towards it, jumping over it when it came to close. The Guardian turned to face her and when it went to hit her she used her power to hold it back.)

Ben: Revenge looks good on her.

Five: Would you shut up and help us kill this thing.

(Five walk towards the Guardian, reaching towards the wall he picks up a fire safety axe that was hanging on the wall before blinking to the guardian and starts fighting and Ben just leans against the wall)

Y/n: Really? Your not even going to attempt to help?

Ben: What's the point? 

Y/n: Survival

(Ben rolls his eyes and looks back toward the fight)

Y/n: So this is it, You've just accepted death?

Ben: All my siblings are dead

Y/n: Except for Sloane. She's right there and she needs your help. Sje is fighting for a chance to live and . Doesn't that mean anything yo you?

(Ben just scoffs and Y/n gets angry so she used her powers to burn him a little bit before taking off to fight the guardian and help Sloane and Five.) 

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