Part 124: Awaiting the End

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(Everyone goes silent as Allison looks around)

Allison: You're all pathetic. 

(She turns around and walks away and Ben speaks up talking to Reginald)

Ben: Why can't we go in there,just the four of us? 

Reginald: That would mean certain failure. There must be seven and a power source. (he turns away from Ben and looks at the rest of them that are sitting on or standing near the staircase and he takes a step forward) Children,

Y/n: (whispers) Oh here we go again.

Reginald: I can't say I'm happy with this.

Y/n: (outloud) Are you happy with anything we've ever done? (Ben glares at her) Glare at me all you want, it doesn't make it any less true. We've never been enough for you, in any timeline. 

Reginald: But I see now the blame falls on me. I failed you when you were young,and I have failed you now. And in doing so, I have doomed the entire universe. 

Y/n: It's a self fulfilling prophecy. The oldest story ever told.  

Reginald: I beg your pardon? 

Y/n: You raise us to stop the end of the world, and because of the way you raised us and what life was like growing up with you, we refuse to save the world this time. So I hope you're proud of what you did, because if you aren't happy with how we turned out, you have only yourself to blame. 

Reginald: Well I'm sorry you feel that way. (He starts to walk away before turning back to the group) If anyone needs me,I'll be in the courtyard...  awaiting the end. 

(He turns back around and walks out)

Y/n: (scoffs) So dramatic

Ben: Idiots. 

(He walks out to follow Reginald)

Viktor: Was that a real apology? 

Y/n: Impossible, He doesn't have it in him

Luther: The man's never apologizedfor anything in his life. 

Diego: I actually feel bad for him. 

Y/n: Don't worry. It'll pass. 

Sloane: So now what?

Five: We wait for the end. See you around. It's been interesting.

(Five starts to walk away, holding Y/n's hand)

Y/n: Before the world end, I just want to say, I love you all. We weren't the most stable family, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. We are messed up and crazy, and weird and a little bit all over the place but I wouldn't wish for anything else. I hope whatever comes next is kind to you all, and I hope we meet again. (She smiles and starts to walk away until she feels someone's hand on her shoulder. She turns around and Diego hugs her)

Diego: We love you too, sis. 

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