Part 40: The thing in the Basement

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(Ben, Fei, and Anala enter the basement to look for the briefcase and to find out if there was anything in the basement) 

Ben: Grace said something about it being in the basement, so if it is anywhere it will be down here.

(They all made it to the bottom of the staircase and start to look around)

Fei: Is it just me or is it warm in here?

Ben: Yeah it's normally freezing, Anala are you doing something?

Anala: Nope 

Ben: That's weird. 

Fei:  You don't think it's weirdthat they "forgot" something here? What if it's a trap?What if we open it and it explodes?

Anala: It's not.

Fei: How do you know?

Anala: They had no idea what they were coming into. Why would it be a bomb?

Fei: Then why would they leave it here.

Ben Please, Fei. They aren't that smart. 

Anala: Let's not forget you also chased them out of the house and tried to fight them. Is it really a surprise that they left something behind. 

(They walk farther into the basement to see Grace)

 Ben: Grace? What the hell'sgoing on down here? 

(They all see a glowing orb that looks like it is repeatedly closing in on itself. It's glowing orange and admitting a lot of energy)

Fei: Sweet Jesus.

Anala: What the hell is that?

Grace: Jesus is onepossible interpretation of this deity. Or perhaps it's the reincarnationof Buddha or Brahma the Creator.

Anala: Oh so this is the god she was talking about. Why the hell is it in our basement?

(She looks over to Fei and Ben but they are confused to)

Ben: (looks back at the entity) Yeah, yeah, whatever. (he starts to reach for it) 

Grace: Be careful, Number Two. You don't want to disturb his slumber.  Who knows who the waking godwill choose next. 

Fei: Grace, is this what took Marcus? 

Grace: He went right up and touched it. Brazen man. The light of the Lordis too much for mere mortals.

Anala:  Grace, when did God get here? 

Grace: Two days ago, with our new visitors. 

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