Part 26: On the Road

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*With the Umbrella Academy*

(Klaus, Five, and Y/n have been driving for around 2 hours with Klaus in the front and Y/n and Five in the back as Five leans against Y/n's shoulder as she plays with his hair.)

Five: This actually isn't so terrible. 

Klaus: See? Told you

Five: Come to think of it,our whole life we've been under the gun. 

Y/n: Your right, Missions for Dad,working for the Commission, 

Five: trying to survive the apocalypse. 

Y/n: Trying to end the apocalypse. (Five smiles and pecks Y/n's lips) 

Five: We were always looking around every corner,  just waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

Y/n: Just waiting for our next fight. 

 Five: It's nice to just breathe. 

Klaus: Good for you guys. Retirement is suiting you. Five a little more than Y/n

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

Klaus: You're not the relaxing type Y/n. You keep looking out the window, looking for danger.

Y/n: It's all I've ever know, I guess I don't know how to live without it.

Klaus: You'll learn.

Y/n: That's the thing. I'm not sure if I want to. 

Klaus: Why not?

Y/n: Guess I'm just not ready. Not yet anyway. I guess part of myself ias still looking to be something

Five: Love, you are something. You saved the world. 

(Y/n smiled and kissed Five but let her mind wonder. She started to remember what the handler said. "She could be so much more." What if she was right? She always felt something in her missing. But what was it? She was at her full power. At Least what she thought is her full power. She had it all. Fire, Water, Earth, Air. She had her siblings back. She had a wonderful husband. They were all safe. She was safe. She was in control of her life. A life that was complete, but yet missing something at the same time.)

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