Part 48: Falling apart

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*Back with the Sparrow Academy*

(Anala wraps up her arm to cover the bleeding as she starts to wonder why her blood wasn't red like it normally is, but that's when her she realized something. Did she ever bleed? She never remembered once bleeding, not ones seeing the normally red liquid coming out of her. Her siblings, Yes, many times, but never her. She was 29. Is it possible that she never bled? Her mind ran wild with memories, none of which she saw her own blood. What was she that she bled green? Was she even human? What was she missing? Thoughts, memories, questions all clouded her mind as she sunk deeper into her own head before being pulled out with the slamming of doors and screaming. She exited her room to see Fei and Ben fighting so she stood at the top of the stairs to watch)

Fei: You walked us into a slaughter. 

Ben: You were  right there with me.This is as much your fault as mine. 

Fei: How? You're Number One, remember? 

Ben: Yeah, but I'm a different kindof Number One. 

Fei: Mm, the shitty kind. That's why Dad demoted you.  That's why he made Marcus Number One.  You don't know how to lead. Jayme and Alphonso are dead because of you. We all would have been dead if it wasn't for Anala's quick reflexes. If any one should be leader, It's her. You don't have what it takes. 

(Ben Slaps Fei across the face causing her to stop laughing)

Fei:  Marcus would have never let-- 

Ben: He's gone.  You know what our real problem is?  You. You're a shit Number Two, Fei. 

[Christopher speaks] 

Ben: Even Christopher agrees with me.

(They continue to argue causing Anala to get annoyed)

Anala: ENOUGH.

(The academy shook a bit as Anala tried to make her point causing Fei, ben, and Chris to stop)

Anala: Marcus is gone. Jayme and Alphonso just died, and Sloane is with the enemy. We're falling apart and your biccuring isn't going to fix this. Marcus went off on his own and that caused him to be taken the glowing ball in the basement. Jayme and Alphonso were killed by a variable no one could have predicted. So stop blaming each other. We have to work together to fix this otherwise none of us are going to survive. 

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