Part 50: Infinite Switchboard

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*With Y/n, and Five*

(Y/n and Five make it to the infinite switchboard to see a smashed panel of glass and everything in the room seemed to have no power)

Five: Shit

Y/n: Well this isn't good

(Five notices on of the screen is still on, He grabs Y/n's hand and leads her over and puts down the briefcase. Five starts hitting button until the image comes into focus and they see a recording of Herb looking destrout.) 

Five: Okay. That's good. 

(He pressed play as the broadcasts wobbles a little than comes into focus)

Herb:  There's been a ripin the space-time continuum. It's swallowing everything. 

(Both Five and Y/n start breathing heavier as Five holds Y/n's hand tighter and she grabbed onto his arm with her other hand as they continue to watch)

Herb: Oh, my sweet Dot, Iris,  Josh from accounting, they're all gone. 

(Five takes a deep breath and turned a knob next to the screen that fast forwarded the video until her found the place he wanted.)

 Herb: I've tried everything!I don't know what else to do. 

(Five puts his other hand over Y/n's hand as her let go of her other hand and wrapped his arm around her)

Herb: The timeline is collapsing. 

(Herb looks around and in a moment the lights start to flicker, spark and then short out. Five gives Y/n's hand a squeeze as he holds her closer to his body as they both stare in disbelief as the broadcast starts to stutter)

Herb: This is... the end.

(Herb screams as what looks like the wave from when they saw the cows disappear tares through the room on the screen, as it does so it takes Herb with it as it seemingly dematerialized his body leaving nothing behind as the broadcast went silent. Y/n took a deep breathe and stepped out of Five's grasp while still holding his hand)

Y/n: End of the world part 3. (She takes a deep breathe) Here we go again. 

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