Part 126: A death in the family

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(Y/n runs into the room with Five and Viktor running in behind her. When she runs in she see Sloane in the middle of the room with a lifeless Luther in her lap. Luther had a giant gash in his chest and was surrounded by blood. Diego and Lila were standing in the corner nest to the secret door in the all that was now hung open. Allison was leaning against a wall with tears in her eyes, hugging her knees to her chest. Klaus was standing over them, frozen, with tears in his eyes and Ben was sitting with his head down on a chair)

Y/n: ...Luther.

(She felt her breather leave her as tears threatened to spill. She has done so much to protect her family and here one of her brothers was, laying on the floor. Dead.) 

Viktor: Oh my God, Luther. 

Five: (stuttering) What happened? 

Sloane:He went to go get ice. I couldn't- He didn't come back. 

(She looked up as tears streamed down her face. Her hands were covered in Luther's blood along with her white jacket)

Sloane: I... I don't know. 

(Sloane continues to cry and Y/n wipes her own tears away turning around for a second taking a deep breathe before turning back. Five noticed that she was struggling to keep herself together so he wrapped his arm around her as he lets out a few tears but wipes them away quickly) 

Lila: It must have been him. The guardian.

Diego: (He walks in front of Soane and kneels next to her, examining Luther's wound) She's right. Whatever did thishad a long curved blade. 

Viktor:(stuttering with tears in his eyes) How... How can you be sure? 

Diego: I don't know much, but I know knives.(He looks up at Viktor and his eyes glance over to Y/n who was still frozen in Five's arms and his frown grew seeing his normally strong and confident sister broken)

Reginald: (walks in) Children, what's going on? (he gasps) Oh God! Luther. 

(Both Five and Y/n looks at him suspiciously)

Ben: If we attacked first,he would still be alive. 

Y/n: (Hisses through gritted teeth) Hey dickhead, not the time for your pathetic antics to feed your undeserved ego. 

(The anger was evident in her eyes. She had spent most of her life trying to save her sibling and now she had just lost one and she was pissed)

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