Part 139: Beyond the door

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Luther: You know where they went? 

Klaus: Have you ever been beyond the door? 

Anala: No, But i do know what lies beyond it. 

(Anala pauses and the brothers look at  her impatiently waiting for her to continue)

Luther: WELL?!

Anala: It's called hotel oblivion for a reason. The space beyond is called oblivion. Through that door there are guardians that put all of them at risk. These guardians are not human but they are strong and powerful. The space beyond is not a real hotel but a coverup for a machine of our father's creation. One that will risk both our families to get back something he lost. The machine feeds off out power and Y/n will be the main power source as the rest of them become support.

Luther How can you know all this? 

Anala: I learned in death that since I was created by father, I had a connection with his past. When I got to the void I was shown the truth. Reginald Hargreeves is the reason for powers. He had releases these particles that were sent to which, impregnating 48 women to have special children. Us. He then made his way to eith, created this machine in oblivion to retrieve the particles that give us our power and use it to take over the world and get back what he wants. If we don't warn them. They could all die. 

Luther: Klaus, this is your house. 

Klaus: Yeah. 

Luther:L You just said it. You... are the king of death.

Klaus: Oh, that's a little grandiose.  I mean, I prefer to think of myself as... the Prince of Darkness. 

Luther: Whatever! I believe in you, brother. You can do anything.

Anala: Guys. 

(They look at Anala and she nods toward the opening to the bounce house where they see a bunch of children watching them)

Klaus: Oh, hey.

Luther: Hey. 

Klaus: Sorry for crashing your party. (he looks back at Luther) Okay, fine. Okay. Listen, we'll do it.

Anala: Can you even bring people back to life with you. 

Klaus: We'll try, okay? 

Luther: Okay. 

Klaus: Also, just like on a motivational scaleof one to, like, Braveheart... 

Luther: Yeah? 

Klaus: You were like half a Rudy.

Luther: All right, notes later, pal. Notes later.

Klaus: I thought you could probably do better.


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