Part 114: This is all I ever wanted

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Luther: Hey, you know something? Tonight is all I ever really wanted.

Diego: To get hitched? 

Luther: Just... everybody coming togetherwhen it really matters. One big real family. 

(Everyone smiles as Five grabs his stomach and stands up coughing and walking away)

 Everyone: Whoa! Whoa! 

Y/n: Five, are you okay?

Five:  Oh, I think I'm gonna hurl. Actually, uh, I think I'm hungry. See ya, guys. I'm gonna hit the buffet.

(Everyone laughs as Five walks away)

Viktor:  Is he gonna be okay?

Diego: It's Five. What do you think?

Y/n: He's a big boy. He can take care of himself.

 Lila: Maybe we should call it a night. 

Luther: Come on, it's early. 

Lila: Good night, guys. 

Ben: Where we going? To bed? (Ben, Diego, and Lila stand up and start walking away)

Luther: The night's young.

Y/n: I'm going to make sure Five doesn't do something stupid.

Anala: I'm going to head out too. I have some... business I need to attend to.

(Both of them stand up and walk in seperate directions. Y/n goes to find Five and Anala goes to look for something... or someone else.)

*With Y/n*

(Y/n continued to search for Five even after a half an hour. She walks back to the lobby continuing to look around. Suddenly she hears the elevator bing. She whips around to see the elevator door opening, revealing a very drunk and passed out Five that was leaning against the back wall of the elevator with a metal bowl in his hand. Y/n walks into the elevator to join him, pressing the button for the floor that has their room on it. As soon as the elevator stops and re-opens, Y/n grabs Five, pulling his arm over her shoulder as a way to hold him up, and drags him to their room. Laying him down on the bed, and then laying next to him, she smiles as he wraps his arms around her before she drifts off to sleep, playing with his hair)

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